Support us
1. Online donations
You can make a quick, easy and safe donation online, through our Just Giving page. We accept one-time donations, as well as regular donations.
2. Bank transfer
Transfer the amount you wish to donate to the following:
Account name: Women's Empowerment Sri Lanka
Account type: Business Account
Account no: 01689924
Sort code: 40-35-45
Reference: STEWdonation
3. Paypal
Click on the blue donate button below, and follow the instructions. You can choose how much you wish to donate. You will receive an email receipt of your donation. Please note, PayPal takes 33% of your donation as commission. If you would like to maximise your donation, please consider donating via bank transfer as described above.
If you have any questions relating to your donation, please contact us by email at
Thank you for your genorosity.